glass gates at exit of library
Library News

Security Gates Being Activated 

At your next visit to the library, the entrance may look slightly different. We are activating the security gates at all our sites progressively over the next few months. What does this mean for you? If you are leaving the library with a book or other item that hasn’t been properly checked out, the gates will sound an alarm, and a staff member will come to help you properly check out the item.

The majority of our customers are now using self-checkout kiosks, and we are finding that some items are not being checked out properly before they leave the library. This can make it harder for us to keep track of all our materials. Also, if an item is not checked out properly, it may not show up in your account and you won’t get a reminder to return it.

If The Alarm Sounds

If the security gate alarm goes off when you are leaving the library, don’t be embarrassed. It happens! Please stop and find the closest staff member so they can double check that all of your items have been checked out properly.

Thank you for helping us keep track of our collection so everyone can enjoy it.